Monday, September 19, 2011

Protect Your Skin & Look Younger Naturally

A common question I get asked is, “What is your secret to looking so young?”  The most important factor in keeping a youthful appearance is staying active both physically and mentally.  However, what you put in your body has a huge impact.  I don’t spend my time worrying about the aging process, although I do take precautions by making healthy choices in the foods that I eat. 

People are always amazed and surprised when I tell them my age.  They usually think I’m about 10 years younger than I am and when I go out, I still get carded 95% of the time. I’m 100% natural and I don’t believe in any plastic surgeries or injections like botox to look young.  As a woman, you can freak out a young man by telling him you’re pregnant.  As for me, I just tell him my age.  Genetics are only one factor but the rest is up to you.  I personally limit my alcohol consumption, I don’t smoke and I’m careful about how much sugar I eat.  All of the above directly affects the appearance of your skin.

I wear make-up when I’m out in public because it makes me look more mature as I like to being taken seriously.  Without make-up, sometimes I get mistaken for a teenager or they think my husband is my dad.  Although it’s humorous, it’s still a good problem to have.  Looking youthful truly begins with your skin.  If you don’t take care of your skin, you can age pre-maturely.  Besides exercising and being physically active, it’s important to choose healthy foods that are good for your body. 

One wrinkle-fighting super food that I enjoy eating is the pomegranate fruit.  This is one of several options that I personally use to have beautiful skin.  Pomegranates contain Vitamin C that helps fight wrinkle damage caused by excessive sun exposure.  Research indicates that the pomegranate contains ellagic acids and punicalagin.  Ellagic acid is a polyphenol compound that fights damage from free radicals and punicalagin is a super-nutrient that may increase the body’s capacity to preserve collagen that helps your skin look smooth.  It is recommended that you consume a cup of pomegranate per week.  Although it’s not as easy as pealing an orange and can be messy, I enjoy eating fresh pomegranates.  However, you can pick up the juice at any grocery store, drink it straight or mix it in your smoothies.  Pick up yourself some pomegranates and start looking naturally younger!

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